Madagascar Palm

As the name suggests, the Madagascar Palm is native to Southern Madagascar. This hardy, low-maintenance succulent thrives in pots both indoors and out. We hope you enjoy our ultimate guide to one of the most striking plants, the Madagascar Palm.


Is it a palm?

Nope, it's technically a succulent that conducts photosynthesis through its stem rather than its leaves.


Does it flower?

While the flowers are unscented, small white flowers grow between the leaves. It is rare for a Madagascar Palm to flower outside conditions that mirror its native climate.


How much water does it require?

Like most succulents, the Madagascar Palm likes well-draining soil and prefers to stay dry. If planted in soil that holds moisture, the Madagascar Palm will develop root rot.


Does it like sun or shade?

Definitely sun! Madagascar Palms are sun-loving and prefer warm weather, and it is not an option for a cold dark location. While the Madagascar Palm does well indoors, it needs lots of natural light.


What else do I need to know?

Madagascar Palms will go dormant during the winter, so don't freak out if growth slows down and you even lose a few leaves. The best thing you can do to ensure a healthy, happy Madagascar Palm is to avoid over-watering. It's highly unlikely the plant will dry out, as the trunk is full of water!

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