
  • How to Style your Pots and Plants

    Indoor plants continue to be an ever-growing trend and it's easy to see why! Plants not only have great health benefits as air purifiers and stress reducers but can boost the overall aesthetics and bring life to even the most gloomy interiors. Also, who doesn't love having a luscious, green plant as the focal point or feature of a room? 

    There are four essentials to styling your home with greenery; how to select your pots, location, picking your plants and maintaining a weekly care routine. This all can be daunting at first but Slugg is here to make this process super easy!

  • Best Big Foliage Houseplants that make a Statement

    Who doesn't love having a luscious, green plant as the focal point of a room? And when it comes to houseplants, bigger can definitely be better! Not only are they beautiful statement pieces but they can fill up blank spaces, awkward corners, and bring some life into an otherwise lacklustre room. Turn your home into an indoor jungle oasis with these impressive big foliage houseplants.

  • 5 ways to style plants in your Bathroom

    Plants not only freshen your bathroom space with greenery or a pop of colour but is the ultimate way to create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere that comes with great air purifying health benefits. Plants generally thrive on the regular doses of moisture that come from your bathroom. Even if your bathroom is on the dark side, certain plants don’t need much. 

  • Best Winter Houseplants

    Houseplants can completely transform and brighten spirits especially during the long winter months. Though with fewer daylight hours, fluctuating temperatures, and dry air can make it be challenging to grow and tricky to keep greenery lively. So to help take the guess work of which plants are best suited to the season, here is the best winter houseplant list likely to survive all year long.

  • Winter Guide for Houseplants

    If your humble houseplants could throw a jumper and beanie on in winter and thrive through the cold season, trust me, it would. But unfortunately, plants need a bit of help to adapt and boost their immunity to life-threatening challenges during the winter. Here is a simple winter guide for your houseplants.

  • Top 5 Bathroom Plants

    Adding a touch of greenery helps create a calming atmosphere to your bathroom decor and also improves air quality. You need to consider these three factors—low light, high humidity, and temperature swings—when choosing plants for a bathroom. To assist with creating your bathroom plant haven, here is a shortlist of 5 bathroom plants.