Best Cacti for Garden Pots

Cacti in Garden Pots: Choosing and Growing the Perfect Potted Cactus for Your Garden.

Cactus plants are synonymous with arid landscapes and the rugged beauty of the desert. But these diverse and hardy plants are also ideal candidates for growing in garden pots, bringing a touch of the exotic to any outdoor space. There are over 1,500 different species of cactus plants and many of them thrive in garden pots. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best cactus species to grow in pots, along with essential tips to help you cultivate these remarkable plants successfully.

Small green cactus plant

Top Cactus for Garden Pots

Echinocactus grusonii 

This cactus, with its distinctive round shape and striking golden spines, is a popular choice for container gardens. Reaching up to 3 feet in diameter, this cactus species is an eye-catching centerpiece in any outdoor setting. The Golden Barrel cactus, like most cacti,  can tolerate full sun and thrives in well-draining soil. This can also make an excellent indoor houseplant.

Ferocactus species (Barrel Cactus)

Ferocactus species, also known as barrel cactus, are, like most cacti,  ideal for garden pots because of their columnar growth habit and relatively slow growth rate. Many of these cactus plants have stunningly colored spines that create visual interest in any container garden. Ferocactus latispinus, Ferocactus glaucescens, and Ferocactus wislizeni are particularly suited for pot cultivation. These cacti require full sun and well-draining soil.

Gymnocalycium species (Chin Cactus)

Gymnocalycium species are a small to medium-sized cactus, perfect for garden pots and small container gardens. Their round shape and lovely, subtle coloring make them an attractive addition to any garden. Gymnocalycium baldianum and Gymnocalycium mihanovichii are two popular species for container gardening. These cacti prefer filtered sunlight and well-draining soil.

A mass-planting of cactus against a blue sky

Mammillaria species (Pincushion Cactus)

Mammillaria cactus species, also known as pincushion cacti, are small, clumping cactus that work well in pots. They are known for their beautiful flowers and attractive, globular shapes. Mammillaria zeilmanniana, Mammillaria hahniana, and Mammillaria elongata are among the best species for container cultivation. These cacti prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.

Opuntia species (Prickly Pear Cactus)

Opuntia species, commonly known as the prickly pear cactus, are characterized by their flat, paddle-like stems. Several smaller species, such as Opuntia microdasys and Opuntia rufida, are ideal for container gardens. These cactus are tolerant of a wide range of conditions, but they do best in full sun and well-draining soil.

A cactus with red spicks against a blue background

Rebutia species (Crown Cactus)

Rebutia species, also known as the crown cactus, are small, clumping cacti with vibrant flowers. Their compact size and ability to tolerate some shade make them ideal candidates for container gardening. Rebutia heliosa, Rebutia minuscula, and Rebutia pygmaea are particularly well-suited for pots. These cacti prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.

A seguaro cactus in a desert location

Out top 5 tips Tips for Growing Cacti in Pots

If you are thinking about growing cacti in pots, you are making a wise choice. Not only are cacti beautiful, but they are also low-maintenance plants that require minimal care. Here are five tips for growing cacti in pots that will help you get started:

Choose the Right Pot Size

Choosing the right pot size is crucial for growing cacti in pots. You need a pot that is large enough to accommodate the cactus without being too big. A pot that is too big can retain too much moisture, which can lead to root rot. A pot that is too small can stunt the growth of the cactus. A good rule of thumb is to choose a pot that is only slightly larger than the cactus.

Use the Right Soil

Cacti need well-draining soil that allows water to flow through it easily. Use a cactus potting mix that is specifically formulated for cacti. These mixes usually contain sand, perlite, and other materials that help with drainage. Avoid using regular potting soil, as it retains too much moisture, which can lead to root rot.

Provide Adequate Light

Cacti love sunlight, so make sure you place them in a sunny spot. A south-facing window is ideal, but if you don't have one, you can use grow lights. Cacti need at least six hours of sunlight per day, so make sure they get enough light. If your cactus starts to lean towards the light source, rotate the pot so that it grows straight.

Cactus Plants Don’t Need A Lot Of Water

Most cactus species are drought-tolerant plants that don't need a lot of water. Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes people make when growing cacti. Water your cactus only when the soil is completely dry. Stick your finger into the soil to check if it is dry before watering. Even a lush variety such as the Fishbone Cactus needs very little water.

When you water, water deeply, but make sure the water drains out of the bottom of the pot. Never let your cactus sit in water.

A multi stem cactus against a pink brick wall

Fertilize Occasionally

Cacti don't need a lot of fertilizer, but they do benefit from occasional feedings. Use a cactus fertilizer that is low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus and potassium. Feed your cactus once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Don't feed your cactus during the dormant season (fall and winter).

By following these five tips, you can grow beautiful cacti in pots that will thrive and add beauty to your indoor or outdoor space.

Prickly Pear Cactus

Top 5 Care and Maintenance Tips for Thriving Cacti in Garden Pots


Cacti are popular plants for both indoor and outdoor gardens in Australia, thanks to their low-maintenance requirements and striking appearance. As a proud owner of these resilient plants, you want to ensure they remain healthy and vibrant. To help you with this, we've compiled the top 5 care and maintenance tips for looking after cacti in garden pots.

Choose the Right Pot and Soil

Selecting the appropriate pot and soil mix for your cactus is crucial to its well-being. A well-draining garden pot, preferably a lightweight pot, will prevent excess water from accumulating in the soil, which will stop your Cactus from getting root rot. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to facilitate the escape of excess water.

When it comes to soil, choose a well-draining mix that is specifically designed for cacti and succulents. A suitable blend will typically contain sand, perlite, or pumice to promote proper drainage and aeration. This ensures your cactus has the ideal environment to grow and thrive.

Provide Adequate Sunlight

Cacti need plenty of sunlight to grow healthy and strong. Place your potted cactus in a location where it will receive a minimum of 4-6 hours of sunlight daily. If you have an indoor cactus, place it near a south or west-facing window. Alternatively, consider using artificial lighting, such as full-spectrum LED grow lights, to provide the necessary light exposure.

Keep in mind that some cacti species may be prone to sunburn when exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods, especially during the hot Australian summers. Monitor your cactus for signs of sunburn, such as yellow or brown patches, and adjust its location if necessary. You can even keep this cactus indoors if it gets sunburnt.

New flowering pups on a prickly pear cactus

Water Wisely

One of the most common mistakes cactus owners make is over-watering. Most cactus are drought-tolerant plants that store water in their thick stems and leaves. They require less frequent watering than most other plants. The best approach is to water your cactus when the soil is completely dry.

During the growing season (spring and summer), water your potted cactus every 2-4 weeks, depending on the size of the pot and the cactus species. In the dormant period (autumn and winter), reduce watering to once every 4-8 weeks. When watering cactus, drench the soil thoroughly and allow excess water to drain away.

Fertilize Sparingly

Cacti do not require much in terms of fertilization. During the growing season, you can apply a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength once every 4-6 weeks to your cactus. 

Avoid fertilizing your cactus during the dormant period, as this can encourage weak and unhealthy growth.

Inspect for Pests and Diseases

Regularly inspect your cactus for signs of pests and diseases. Common cactus pests include mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects, while fungal infections and root rot can result from over-watering or poorly draining soil.

Native cactus in Arizona

Cactus Craze: Burbank Spineless Cactus, Golden Barrel Cactus, and Euphorbia Cactus - Your Ultimate Guide

Australia's fascination with cacti is growing every day, and it's easy to see why. These unique and resilient plants are not only stunning to look at, but they also thrive in our country's diverse climate. As a garden pot enthusiast, you've come to the right place for information on three of the most popular cactus varieties: the Burbank Spineless Cactus, Golden Barrel Cactus, and Euphorbia Cactus. In this blog post, we'll delve into the unique characteristics of these cacti and share essential care and maintenance tips to help you cultivate the perfect cactus garden.

Burbank Spineless Cactus

The Burbank Spineless Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) is a unique cactus variety that stands out among its prickly counterparts. 

As the name suggests, this cactus is spineless, meaning it lacks the sharp spines typically associated with cacti. This makes it an ideal cactus for those who want to enjoy the beauty of a cactus garden without the risk of painful encounters.

Burbank Spineless Cactus

Caring for a Burbank Spineless Cactus, like most of the cactus family, is relatively simple, but there are some crucial factors to consider. Like most cactus, it requires a well-draining soil mixture. The ideal cactus soil mix should contain coarse sand, perlite, or pumice to ensure adequate drainage. A quality garden pot with drainage holes is also essential to prevent the cactus' roots from sitting in excess water.

When it comes to light requirements, the Burbank Spineless Cactus prefers full sun to partial shade. In particularly hot regions, it may benefit from some protection during the hottest part of the day. Water your cactus sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In winter, reduce watering frequency even further to avoid root rot.

Are you looking to add a unique and low-maintenance plant to your garden pots collection? The Burbank Spineless Cactus might be just what you need! 

This fascinating cactus species is perfect for Australian gardens, offering a striking aesthetic and minimal upkeep. Read on to discover the benefits of this cactus and how to care for it in your garden pots.

A cluster of Cactus growing in indoor pots.

Benefits of the Burbank Spineless Cactus

The Burbank Spineless Cactus, also known as Opuntia ficus-indica, is a versatile addition to your garden pots collection. One of the main advantages of this cactus is its low-maintenance nature. Its drought-tolerant properties make it perfect for Australia's arid climate, as it can survive extended periods without water.

Furthermore, this spineless variety, like many of the cactus family, is safer to handle than its spiky counterparts, making it an ideal cactus for households with pets or children. 

Besides its aesthetic appeal, the Burbank Spineless Cactus also produces nutritious and tasty fruit known as 'cactus pear' or 'prickly pear', which is a delightful bonus for garden enthusiasts. Many gardeners can successfully keep this cactus indoors.

Echinocactus grusonii complimenting indoor plants Dichondra and Philodendron erubescens.

Choosing the Right Garden Pots

When selecting the ideal garden pots for your Burbank Spineless Cactus, it's essential to consider a few factors. Firstly, choose a pot with adequate drainage to prevent root rot. Cacti prefer well-draining soil, so ensure the pot has holes at the bottom. 

Next, consider the pot's size. A small to medium-sized pot is suitable for young cacti, but as the plant grows, you may need to upgrade to a larger pot to accommodate its expanding root system. Finally, opt for a durable and weather-resistant material like terracotta or glazed ceramic to protect your cactus from extreme temperatures.

Caring for Your Burbank Spineless Cactus in Garden Pots

Caring for your Burbank Spineless Cactus in garden pots is relatively simple. Follow these easy steps to ensure a healthy and thriving cactus:

Soil: Fill your garden pots with a well-draining soil mix specifically designed for cacti or succulents. This will ensure proper drainage and prevent root rot.

Sunlight: Place your cactus in a sunny spot that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. The Burbank Spineless Cactus loves the sun and will thrive in Australia's sunny climate.

Watering: Water your cactus sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. During the hot summer months, water every 2-3 weeks, while in winter, reduce watering to once a month.

Fertilising: Use a balanced, slow-release fertiliser specifically designed for cacti once every 2-3 months during the growing season.

Pruning: Regularly remove any dead or damaged parts to encourage new growth and maintain a neat appearance.

Incorporating a Burbank Spineless Cactus into your garden pots collection is an excellent choice for Australian garden enthusiasts. Its low-maintenance nature, striking appearance, and compatibility with Australia's climate make it a perfect addition to your outdoor space. 

By following our tips on choosing the right garden pots and proper care, your cactus will not only thrive but also add a unique touch to your garden. So, don't wait any longer – it's time to expand your garden pots collection with the fascinating Burbank Spineless Cactus, and enjoy the beauty and benefits this plant has to offer.

A clusterof black garden pots with cactus

Golden Barrel Cactus

The Golden Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) is another popular cactus variety, featuring a distinctive rounded shape and striking golden-yellow spines. This cactus is a slow-grower, making it perfect for a compact garden pot display.

Golden Barrel Cactus care is similar to that of the Burbank Spineless Cactus. It thrives in well-draining soil, and a quality garden pot with drainage holes is crucial. Position your cactus in a sunny spot, as it requires plenty of light to grow and maintain its vibrant colour.

When it comes to watering your Golden Barrel Cactus, less is more. Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again, and be cautious not to overwater. During the winter months, reduce watering even further to mimic the cactus' natural dormant period.

Easter Cactus

The Easter Cactus is a member of the Cactaceae family and is a close relative to the Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti. What sets the Easter Cactus apart from its holiday counterparts is the timing of its blooms and the shape of its flowers. The Easter Cactus produces stunning flowers in various shades of pink, red, and even white that usually last for a couple of weeks. The Easter Cactus has blooms with a unique daisy-like appearance with asymmetrical petals, while the segmented, flat, and spineless stems give the plant a cascading look.

The Easter Cactus is an enchanting addition to any spring garden, offering a burst of vibrant color during the Easter season. By providing the proper care and conditions for your Easter Cactus, you can enjoy the stunning blooms of this festive succulent year after year. Don't forget to propagate your Easter Cactus and share the joy with friends and family!

Euphorbia Cactus Species

Euphorbia is a vast genus of cactus plants that includes several cactus-like species, commonly referred to as Euphorbia Cactus. Although not a true cactus, these unique plants share many similarities with their cactus cousins, making them an exciting addition to any cactus garden. These cactus look very similar to the Saguaro Cactus.

Garden planted Euphorbia, African Milk Tree.

Euphorbia Cactus care closely resembles that of other cacti. They are often referred to as the African Milk Tree They require a well-draining soil mix and a quality garden pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot. Euphorbia Cactus, like most of the cactus family,  enjoy bright, indirect light, so place them in a spot where they can receive plenty of filtered sunlight.

Watering a Euphorbia Cactus is similar to caring for other cactus varieties. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings and reduce the watering frequency during winter months. One crucial aspect to remember when handling Euphorbia Cacti or the African Milk Tree is the sap can be poisonous, just like the Saguaro Cactus..

Commonly Asked Questions About Cactus

Are cactus illegal in Australia?

There are dozens of low maintenance beautiful cacti that will help you add some beauty to your backyard. The cultivation, possession and sale of the plant are illegal and a fine is possible. Always verify before putting any cactus in the market. No cacti have native origins in Australia.

Is cactus good for your home?

This plant can help clean the air & improve breathing efficiency as well. Carbon dioxide is taken from plants, including cactus, in an attempt to breathe oxygen. In addition, the succulents remove contaminants in the air, which help in improving air quality inside.

Which is the most beautiful type of cactus?

10 Best succulent plants. Jade Plants (Crissula ovata)... Ahhhhhh.... ... Pincushion cactuses (Mammillaria crinitas)... Snakes - Plants (Sansveviera trifasco). Zebra plants (Haworthis fasciata). Burro tail ("seduum meronianum") : Christmas cactus (SCHlumbera x Buckleyi - Schumbergera truncate) Jade plants (Crassaeolata ovata). Aloo veras. ... Pistoleum cactus (Mammillaria criniia)... Species snakes (Sanseva trifacia). Zebras (haworthies fasciatum) are the largest in Africa. The Burrus' head (Sedummorganianum) :. -. Christmas cactus (SCHLUMBERTAX BROWLEYI and SCHLMBERTA TRIKATA).

What are 3 facts about cactus?

Tell me about the interesting history of the cactus? Those spined Cactus plants don't have any thorns, they contain extremely modified leaves that can easily change color or texture. Plants need resting. The world has over 200 genera which contain over 1600 different species as well as many hybrid types. Cactus plants store countless amounts of water. The spine is no more thorn, it is a highly modified leaf. The cacti plants need rest. It has around 20 species, with about 1100 species and many hybrid species. Cactus plants have the capacity to absorb water quickly and efficiently.

What is the most delicious cactus?

It's known for being the popular and beloved edible cactus. Indian fig leaves and fruit have great taste and can be used in most dishes across Central America and the southwestern USA.

8 Best Cactus Varieties to Grow Indoors

Indoor cactus species make beautiful, minimal maintenance plant plants. A disadvantage of house planting is maintaining the humidity necessary to sustain optimum growth. Tropical plants usually require jungles for their growths to flourish. It is hardly a problem for cactus fans because these desert plants enjoy dry air and normal temperatures in their home. Several varieties of cactus have minimal maintenance and grow well outdoors. Although some sun helps maintain indoor cacti in its health, some species survive for a few hours each day and additional illumination is helpful for species that live in northern windows.

Hanging Christmas Cactus from hanging pot


Types of Indoor Cactus

Cactus indoors are the quickest way to get cheap plants in your backyard. Cacti are drought resistant due to the succulent nature that stores water in their roots and leaf. This makes them unique. Cactaceae family members have Areole, small bumps inside plants that have incredibly unusual powers unlike others in this category. Areoles form the cacti's spines that give them unique blooms, branches and leaves and produce hundreds of enthralling forms. The indoor variety of plants is quite extensive.

Large Indoor Cactus 'Carnegiea Gigantea' (Saguaro Cactus)

Have you ever visited Sonoran? The huge saguaro cactus that take over the countryside. The Saguaro is the biggest and famous cacti and he has the prototype cactus seen in Westerns and comics. Such saguaro cacti often reaches 10 m height with weight of up to 1 tonne. These impressive plant species can survive two hundred years and flowering can last for 40 years. This cactus is a very efficient garden plant and is slow growing; The plant grows rapidly and can grow as indoor house plants for many years.

Bunny Ears Cactus (Opuntia microdasys)

The bunny ears or angel wings cactus are popular choices due to their adorable shapes. The bunny ears cactus is not spindled like an ordinary cactus but it is definitely not cute! Glochids are hairy spines that make polka dotted hairs that are very thick and can stick to your scalp. Give the bunny ears cactus plenty of sunshine for growth. 

Bunny Ear Cactus with small white spiky spots.

Indoor Cactus 'Schlumbergera x buckleyi' (Christmas Cactus)

This Christmas cactus is fairly flat and smooth in all its cactus relatives with its thin segments, soft spines and smooth leaf shape. Tubercule flowers are red, pink, orange and white. The cactus species is far off from the normal nature of cactus care. It's a succulent native from tropical forests and is grown at tree trunks that soak into the hot humidity. Let us never treat the Christmas cactus like any other cactus! This is an important step for watering the cactus a little more frequently and be careful not to leave them too wet. Give this plant some sunshine and moderate irrigation.

Christmas cactus flower


Hanging Indoor Cactus 'Selenicereus Anthonyanus' (Ric Rac Cactus)

You may have heard of Ric Rac cactus known by many different names - commonly the fishbone cactus, or the zagging cactus or the orchid. Its closely related to the Epiphylla Oxypetalum plants which are often referred to in English as orchids. Ric Rac cactus comes from Mexico and is one of many tropical cactuses that can grow in tropical climates. It does not have leaves but everything is just stems. Just some pretty awesome branches. Direct sunlight would also be beneficial. A bit of direct sunlight may ruin the plants. Indoors, riparian cactus can benefit from indirect sunlight and a high-resolution ray of light.

Indoor Cactus 'Aporocactus Flagelliformis' (Rat Tail Cactus)

Yes. It is important that indoor Cactus plants be exposed to the full sunlight each day. Aporocactus flagelliformis is a Mexican cactus with bright magenta-tinted flowers. It's certainly a very good cacti for indoor growth. Surprisingly this indoor cactus is used in traditional medicine particularly when it affects the cardiovascular system. Choose the most beautiful basket and allow your flower buds to flourish happily in the proper way!

Moon Cactus (grafted hybrid)

Moon cactus is an attractive addition to succulent plants because of its vibrant colors. In fact, hybrid plants have two kinds of cacti connected and its life span is shorter compared with others. It should be placed where the sunlight will be absorbed because it can become damaged, Ron Finley, an expert gardener teaching master class classes, said. 

Clustered Moon cactus.

Fairy Castle Cactus (Acanthocereus tetragonus)

Why did the cactus become so whimsical? These diverse stems remind of the turret of a castle making this the ideal companion to any whimsical garden. The slow-growth cactus may reach 6' tall. Please be aware that the fairy castle cactus does little flowering and is usually offered as an artificial flower. Set it where the sunlight is high and sunny. 


Check out our list of The 20 Best Cactus Plants.

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